2009 Central Government No. 1 documents ascertained

On February, 1, Xinhua News issued Some Suggestion of The CPC Central Committee The State Council about Promoting Agriculture to Develop Steadily and Increasing Rural Income Persistently》, that is sixth Central Government’s No. 1 documents since 2004. This document nailed down 5 major fields in construction of rural people’s livelihood cause.

1. Rural Electric Network Construction. 95% rural population have utilized power from big electric newworks, while about 5% left utilize power supplied by other means. The most important is to make a same price of power from the same power network in both country and town.

2. Rural Road Construction. So far, 87% nationwide administrative villages can be arrived by bus. Rate of bus traffic available in administrative village will be raised further.

3. Rural Safe Drinking Water Engineering Construction. In the past few years, safe drinking water problem of 30 million peasants was solved annually. From this year, Central Government documents require safe drinking water of 60 million peasants should be solved every year.

4. To Accelerate Rural Firedamp Construction. Central fiscal investment in firedamp is 2 billion every year in the past few years, and this year, this figure will be added on the former level, so that it is enough to solve supplying rural firedame for from 4 million to 6 million peasants.

5. Implementing Pilot Work of Rural Dilapidated House Transformation. This transforming work will be impelled in state owned timberland and state farm where this work are neglected for ages.

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